24 Jul '062 min read

New phone!

This morning I picked up my new Sony Ericsson K750i (WP) phone after several weeks of waiting. The service from Comviq (WP) was a bit shaky and just a week ago I was about to discontinue the order and pick another company, but after some compensations I decided to wait instead.


The problems began when I first ordered the phone, or when I thought I ordered the phone. Something messed up the moving of my old number to the new service provider and the order was quietly put on hold by some evil computer without letting anyone know.

After two weeks I called Comviq and asked what was going on since I hadn’t heard anything from them since my original call. The support replied that they would contact me when they knew what was going on, and five minutes later I got an SMS telling me that my number was to be moved to Comviq the week after. Knowing that the order should have taken a total of 3 weeks I called them and asked what was going on, and this time I was told about the problems with the original order and that it would take about 2 additional weeks for the phone to arrive since they couldn’t send it before my number was all done.

Two weeks went, I got my SIM card and the paperworks but still no phone. The 18:th of July my previous provider revoked my SIM-card and now I had no phone to use at all. I called Comviq again and it turned out that the support who had reordered the subscription had not ordered a phone. After some calls I got in contact with a nice girl who provided me with compensation for the delays and sent my phone with prioritized delivery, and as of today I have this very cool piece of technology in my hands.
